How to cite

If you want to cite this work, we suggest you use the version consulted and the paper. Currently, the latest version of this database is version 0.0.19.

  • Pimentel, Carlos, Zheng, Mingchuan, Cartwright, Julyan H. E., & Sainz-Díaz, C. Ignacio (2023). Chemobrionics Database: Categorisation of Chemical Gardens According to the Nature of the Anion, Cation and Experimental Procedure. ChemSystemsChem, 5, e202300002. DOI: 10.1002/syst.202300002

However, you can also cite the global version which includes all the datasets:

Pimentel, Carlos, Zheng, Mingchuan, Sainz-Díaz, C. Ignacio, & Cartwright, Julyan H. E. (2022). Chemical Gardens Database [Data set]. Zenodo.